fredag 23 januari 2009

Final cut for Robert Pattinson?

Hey all!

I just read the most depressing thing! The dvd-release for "Twilight" is not until April 29! APRIL 29!! That is too far can they torture me so? If I were to find a copy tomorrow and it was dubbed in Italian with only Japanese subtexting, I would still buy it. That is how bad/badly (I can´t decide which one..I so adore the English language sometimes...) I want to see it!

I am going to do a bit of a jump here. I found myself thinking about Robert Pattinson´s hair. Everyone is talking about it so why not me? It has been put off far too long. Me talking about Robert Pattinson´s hair is like the dvd-release.

I think... (drum rolls)...that Robert Pattinson should not have cut his hair! The main reason for this is that with short hair you can hardly see his wonderful hair colour. There is some colour in there which I love. Another reason: I think he looked better basically with a bit longer hair. It made him edgier, hotter, and more manly. This short hair gives him a bit of a boyish look to be honest.

Oh my God, I have adressed the issue of Robert Pattinson´s hair. My life is now fullfilled (sorry - bad sarcastic joke there).

I can understand him cutting it though. Maybe he started to feel that people were talking more and more about his hair and less about him as an actor? Perhaps it is a bit hazardous to have a trademark. People should foremost say how good you are on what you do and not focus on the external.

I remember a few years ago when Jennifer Aniston got really popular. But...people were not going on about how good of an actress she was on "friends", but how cool it would be to get "the Jennifer Aniston -hair". There were so many magazines with articles which all displayed: "how to get the Jennifer Aniston-hair" etc.

So, have a trademark at your own risk? Did Robert Pattinson do the right thing? Is it better to get publicity for something rather than nothing, even if that something is just a question of hair?

I hope Robert Pattinson´s hair will be back to haunt us all very soon! :)

(Nevertheless..hairy or not - ever thine!)


Ps. I can´t believe I wrote about Robert Pattinson´s hair. I have hit a new low on this blog.

pps. April 29 really is too far away...

fredag 16 januari 2009

Hollywood & Beauty

Hey all!

Earlier today I was sitting by my computer looking at a photo of Robert Pattinson. There is no denying it; the guy is just so bloody handsome. Yes, Robert Pattinson does have lovely features (ok I am not going on about this all day even if I could).

However, my point is that he really is handsome. That is why he got the part of Edward Cullen, and not say Steve Buscemi. Beauty opens doors.

I am not saying that Robert Pattinson only got the part due to his appearance, but hey, let´s be honest here; Steve Buscemi would not ever have got that part (if one pretends that Steve Buscemi is like 20).

Beauty is important in Hollywood, but they are riding that wave because they know that it is important for us too. Have you ever seen a romantic movie with someone half-ok looking like Philip Seymour Hoffman (sorry Steve and Phil, I am just insulting everyone today).

However, the part (of Edward Cullen) required a really pretty actor. The book does say that Edward Cullen has perfect features. Robert Pattinson beat 5000 guys to get the part. Did he beat them mostly by his looks or his talent as an actor? In all of my naiveness - I am hoping for the latter one. Since I have only seen him in "Harry Potter" it would be too early for me to evaluate his work.

(Nevertheless...I believe in Robert Pattinson, I do believe him to be talanted - ever thine!)


Ps. There seem to be a seperation between character-actors and actors in the general sense. I have only heard half-ok looking guys being named character-actors. They are not riding on their looks so they are given an extra title; character-actors (people who can actually act?)
True fact?

tisdag 13 januari 2009

The Robert Pattinson theory

Hey all!

I was talking to my friend Vic before. She is in love with the books AND has actually seen the movie "Twilight". I told her about my ´small´ obsession with Robert Pattinson. She told me then and there, straight up: "Well, I like Edward Cullen a lot more". True honesty. I love it.

Vic had just seen Robert Pattinson on a youtube-clip from when he appeared on ´the Ellen show´. She said that Robert Pattinson seemed like this confused funny guy, who did not understand how everything around him got so big..or something. Robert Pattinson really does not seem to be anything like Edward Cullen.

I have a theory that when an actor goes into character, so does his audience (how do I explain this one?). One almost thinks/believes/(hopes) that Robert Pattinson is Edward Cullen.

I have read somewhere that the character can almost overwhelm the actor. I think it was Julia Roberts who said that she always falls in love with her co-star, in say a romantic movie, because she is so overtaken by the feelings she has to portray in that movie. (Anyone feeling a bit lost? - for more confusion see my published works).

Maybe that theory could be applied to Robert Pattinson? He wanted to ´marry´/date his co-star Kristen Stewart. Did he really like her, or was he overtaken by Edward´s feelings for Bella?

Who knows really? (Nevertheless...ever thine!)


Ps. Brilliant theory today. Should have applied so much energy into thinking about nonsense a long time ago.

måndag 12 januari 2009

Does it mean that Robert Pattinson is mental too?

Good day to all my readers! (I don´t have any readers - my blog is too pathetic for that).

I woke up today with that kind of feeling you get sometimes which says "what have I done?". I am kind of a level-headed, realistic apassionata who kind of thinks that most celebrities are shallow, perverts and a bit egocentric.

Celebrities really are that kind of group which we read tonnes about, but at the same time, have no idea who they really are. Right? Robert Pattinson could very well be one of the following scary things:

- Nazi
- Workoholic
- Pervert
- Tory

Or he could just be a mix of the above (getting scary pictures of this in my head!)

Thinking about this I remember one episode from Sex & the City, when Charlotte says something like this to Carrie: "Do we ever really know the people we are involved with?" Well said Charlotte - spot on! Not enough people have the courage to show their true selves.

Here is something that might be true. I read in an interview yesterday that Robert Pattinson likes ´mentally strong women´ or something similar. Since I am just mental it wouldn´t have worked out. Or did he say ´mental & strong´? Better with option 2 for me! :) (Nevertheless...mental or not...ever thine!)

//Lil - the Apassionata

ps. I wish I could be more serious and write about something that actually matters than come off like an air-headed Bridget Jones.

söndag 11 januari 2009

The International Blog of Robert Pattinson day 1

January 11, 2008

It has fineally happened. I have gone quite mad I think. I have started a blog about English actor Robert Pattinson!

I don´t know why really, but I had to do something. I don´t want to call myself a fan beacuse I don´t think that I am one. Well..I am, but I wouldn´t say ´amen´ to everything he does, nor is he my favourite actor. I just like the guy in so many ways. :)

I remember first seeing him in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". I thought to myself then that : "this boy will become a very handsome and talanted man someday". Then a few years later he is suddenly there again in "Twilight", all grown up. As I am writing this I have to admit that I have not seen "Twilight" yet, just some clips. Me and my friend Jennie are the last on the planet to not have seen it. We have our local cinema to thank for that. The joys of living in a really small town...

I have of course read the books by Stephenie Meyer. Those painfully great books! I use that word, "painfully", because everything is painful about them. It´s painful when you have to put the books down, even for a moment, or you have come to the end, or when you even realise that there are no more books to read about the Cullens...

At this point, I know what someone from the outside would say: "Do you really like Robert Pattinson or just his characterization of Edward Cullen"? That is the main reason I think why many actors don´t date their fans. Am I right? Because in "Twilight", Robert Pattinson is the full embodiment of Edward Cullen.
I would like to think that I am honest with my readers, so I will simply say that I don´t know.

Another question: "Would I, or anybody really, have been so in to Robert Pattinson would it not have been for "Twilight"? Not a chance on the planet! One could easily make an evil circle here with question 1 and 2. :)

I think I am soon at the end with my first moments with this blog. I don´t claim to know a lot about Robert Pattinson. I am not that kind of fan. I will never keep track of when his birthday is, what sign he is, or where he lives. (But nevertheless..ever thine!)


ps. This blog is ridicolous

pps. Since English is not my first language I hope that readers will oversee any grammatical or spelling errors that I am sure occurs frequently! :)