måndag 21 juni 2010

The waiting game

Hey all!

Soon we are at the premiere of "Eclipse". I and Jennie are going to see it the weekend after the premiere. Perhaps all the annoying kids will have seen it by then? It´s a long shot, but my fingers are crossed.

I thought the papers would be smacked with gossip of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart because of the upcoming premiere, but there as hardly been anything worth reading about. Or maybe I am not looking that closely anymore?

I read that they might make two movies out of "Breaking Dawn". That would probably be a good idea and it generates more money, so they ought to like that idea.

Jennie is really critical of "Breaking Dawn". She thinks that it has a really weird ending and other stuff.
Weird stuff in BD:
- Bella doesn´t have any side affects from turning into a vampire. She is just THAT good at restraining herself...
- Jacob got his mojo working for Renesme. That really is quite perverty (-> can you really make "perverty" out of pervert?) It felt a bit paedophile-alerty.
-Everything is so conveniently fixed up at the ending.

A co-worker of mine, Ellen, pointed out some stuff that I hadn´t thought about, like the fact at the wedding no one finds it a bit odd that no one on Edward´s side of the family eats anything. It´s a wedding - there has to be heaps of food!
She also found it strange that Bella at every cost wanted to keep the baby even if it meant killing her. And...yeah...that is actually quite weird. Well, for us it is since religion doesn´t play a significant role in our lives, but as we all know, some Americans are crazy when it comes to all that.

(Nevertheless...weird or not...ever thine!)


Ps. Critique or no critique, the fact does remain that this saga has touched a generation. Pretty impressive one might say.

fredag 19 mars 2010

Madness I say

Hey everyone!

It´s just crazy how time just flies by! That´s all I am going to say
about that...

So much has happened since I last wrote here. Guess what! I have
seen "New Moon"! I saw it with Jennie on December 23rd. That was
a very nice Christmas gift I think. I haven´t so much as clip from it
since then. Needless to say, Robert Pattinson was extremely
handsome (!) but, hello (!) to Taylor Lautner´s body. Not focusing
on the external at all now... I think Lautner did his part quite ok-ish
overall. Must admit that my memory is a bit vague. It feels like it was
years since I saw it. It comes out on DVD soon, so I am going to buy it.

The biggest news though, must be Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
finally admitting that they are an item! Like the whole world hadn´t
already figured that out...

My biggest pondering about that is, will they stay together after they
are done shooting all the Twilight movies? I will refer here (again) to "the
Robert Pattinson theory". That is a great theory really! I like it more now
than I did when I wrote it.

A part of me wants them to break up because I am not too crazy about
Kristen Stewart, but at the same time..I am not sure that I care. To care
is crazy really, and I am not a crazy (just mental; entirely different) fan.
I read a small article the other day which said that Kristen Stewart is really
tired of Rob being so imiture and that she wants to be in a real comitted
relationship. What is she 19? I thought one started thinking about that
kind of relationship no sooner than 25...

(Nevertheless...taken or not...ever thine!)


Ps. There has been a lot of talk about Rob being in relationships,
and now we are there for real. Final destination?

söndag 22 november 2009

Part two

Hey Everyone!

Today is the date! At least when I am writing this in my notebook it is November 20. It is the world premiere of New Moon. Can´t believe that time went by so fast. They are really making the most of it as they have already started shooting for Eclipse.

I read my first review of New Moon just a couple of hours ago. The reviewer gave it a weak 2 out of 5. At first I thought that she was crazy, but then I had to remind myself that I have not actually seen it yet.

I don´t know when I will be able to see it. I guess the cinemas will be smacked full for weeks. I really want to see it, but I am fully prepared to wait. Maybe I will see it with Vic when I go and see her after christmas.

Now the papers say that they have proof that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are dating. They keep denying it, but I have to admit it, the photos look kind of suspicious. I suspect that they have some sort of clause in their contracts that says that they can´t go public with their relationship.

It seems like they only have time to hang out with each other and nobody else, no wonder hormons are flying high. They have intense schedules and a small area to exist within without crazy fans attacking them..do I really need to go on; probably very clear to everyone.

Seems like the thing between Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner is moving forward. Good for them.

(Nevertheless...ever thine!)


Ps. Ok, now it is November 22...

fredag 23 oktober 2009

Just an act

I really thought that I got over it! But I haven´t really. The closer we get to "New Moon" I realise that I really haven´t. Probably messed up for life.

I went online earlier today to see some pictures of the upcoming movie. That opened a world of pain, but really, I am over myself with that. Getting tired myself of seeing me going on and on about it.

It was interesting to see some of the new cast members. I am sure they are gonna look magical all costumed up and with lots of dramatic make-up.

I read an interview before with Rob Pattinson. Funny story really from that interview. Apparently the only one he is on the same level with is no other than Kristen Stewart. They are sharing this incredible thing and they are the only ones that understand what they are going through. I can read between the lines. OK, you love her - we get it! It is like this; we had a performer here and after 10 years he finally admits to being gay. Everyone already knew that. Some things are just so obvious - there is no point in denying it either.

Another funny story really. I didn´t know that Kristen Stewart had final say at the auditions when Robert Pattinson was cast for the role as Edward Cullen. Funny story which I won´t develop further, but yeah...funny story...

Robert Pattinson says that girls are screaming for Edward Cullen and not for him. I wonder who I would be screaming for? I like the character Robert Pattinson more and more. He doesn´t seem to be turned [yet] by the Hollywood bullshit. But one can´t help but to ponder over how much of it is true?

(Nevertheless...true or not...ever thine!)


Ps. If your life revolves around acting out characters, how long does it take for your character to become an act?

fredag 16 oktober 2009


Hello there blog!

I shouldn´t make excuses for not writing in you for so long, but I am swamped with work at the moment. Hardy have time to think!

So much has happened with Robert Pattinson and yet nothing as well. Ok, that sounds weird even to me, and I am used to it. Firstly, Rob and Kristen - more and more sources tell us that they are a couple and they are seen more together, hence the statement that much has happened. But then nothing has happened as well because they won´t go public with anything, hence my second statement.

Sources also reveal that Kristen has turned into a real super diva, and that Rob remains her only friend. I have got this feeling that he idealises her. She is his [rock]goddess. I wonder...

Yesterday I saw in an article that Rob can´t get a date since every girls screames for "Edward" and not for him. Sure that could partly be true, but I wonder in what category he is selecting? He can´t make me believe that he would actually consider dating a fan. I know I have been on this subject before, but it is so interesting. I think celebs go out with each other because they know that, that world is a world of fake. Maybe they see through the fake easier or perhaps see each other as they are, rather than into something the rest of us wish they were.

Speaking of vamps by the way. My country is so behind so haven´t showed "True Blood" until now, but hey! I love that fang show. True blood has a raw, sexy, naughty thing going on and Twillight is all about pure love, mystical, and beauty. I saw a poster today for "New Moon". My heart started ache, I am fucking messed up. Sometimes it feels ridicolous the whole thing...talk about problems only wealthy nations have...

(Nevertheless...ever thine!)


Ps. I love the word fang banger.

torsdag 23 juli 2009

Hooked on a feeling...

Hey all!

OMG! I can´t believe that it has been so long since I wrote anything here. I should be ashamed really! Someone may have thought that my obsession must be over cause I have not written. Let me tell you - it is not! What I have discovered though, is that there are people secretly obsessing as well. Me and my friend Jennie got talking about it one night (I thought this girl was just kind of half obsessed, but there were more), and she said that she can´t watch "Twilight" anymore - too painful. That is just what I am feeling. Can´t read the books either. When "New Moon" comes we are gonna open up to that pain,, and we will love it, but there will also be pain.

I know this sounds mad, but I don´t think we are alone. I think we are a specific group we who are obsessed although in secret. My friend Jennie says that when she sees in the paper that there is gossip about say Robert Pattinson, her heart jumps and she almost avoids reading those pages. We are aware that is it is crazy, and we can hardly believe it ourselves.

Moving on...is Robert Pattinson dating Kristen Stewart or not? Maybe she couldn´t resist him anymore. Very understandable! When all four films are done, will their bond change? People say he is obsessed with her and would marry her if he could. She is also the one girl in all the world that would say no to him. Still?

(Nevertheless...ever thine!)


Ps. Only 4 months left. Be still my heart...(why not continue to sound like a crazy person when I started off so good!)

fredag 1 maj 2009


Hey people!

Yesterday I got it! I am now a proud owner of a DVD featuring "Twilight". Now it really feels like the first book has gone full circle. Only three more to go!

I did something with this DVD that I have never done before; I watched the extra material. It was very interesting to see "the deleated scenes" as well as "the extended scenes". Seeing Rob Pattinson talking about his character Edward Cullen was not too bad either!

I just realised something very obvious. Rob Pattinson will always be Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart will always be Bella. It is relatable to my theory (see: "The Robert Pattinson theory"), but it is more than that. I am trying to grasp a point here. I read that the reason Rob doesn´t date is because he is so obsessed with Kristen Stewart. They did this movie together and have three more to go. Some kind of bond must no doubt exist between them now. Then it is always debatable how much that goes into this connection. Ok, this might seem like yibberish, but I know what I mean. Is not that what a blog is about? A person writing one and the person reading it doesn´t understand a thing. Only joking (better to write that out, people are blind to sarcastic irony most of the time). I can´t see why Kristen Stewart doesn´t want to date Rob really. It is like Bella choosing Mike Newton over Edward Cullen. It is just crazy. Übercrazy (no, I am not German).

(Nevertheless...crazy or not...ever thine!)


Ps. Fresh news: Robert Pattinson doesn´t want to date apparently because he is afraid that he will mess up that girl´s life. An interesting observation, but I think a lot of girls would risk it. Shit happens all the time so why not take a chance? Or should we translate it as this?: It is Kristen Stewart or no one!