söndag 22 november 2009

Part two

Hey Everyone!

Today is the date! At least when I am writing this in my notebook it is November 20. It is the world premiere of New Moon. Can´t believe that time went by so fast. They are really making the most of it as they have already started shooting for Eclipse.

I read my first review of New Moon just a couple of hours ago. The reviewer gave it a weak 2 out of 5. At first I thought that she was crazy, but then I had to remind myself that I have not actually seen it yet.

I don´t know when I will be able to see it. I guess the cinemas will be smacked full for weeks. I really want to see it, but I am fully prepared to wait. Maybe I will see it with Vic when I go and see her after christmas.

Now the papers say that they have proof that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are dating. They keep denying it, but I have to admit it, the photos look kind of suspicious. I suspect that they have some sort of clause in their contracts that says that they can´t go public with their relationship.

It seems like they only have time to hang out with each other and nobody else, no wonder hormons are flying high. They have intense schedules and a small area to exist within without crazy fans attacking them..do I really need to go on; probably very clear to everyone.

Seems like the thing between Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner is moving forward. Good for them.

(Nevertheless...ever thine!)


Ps. Ok, now it is November 22...