tisdag 21 april 2009

When I hear your voice

Hey people!

I am going to make a promise that I won´t keep. I am going to write in my blog more frequently. Yeah, that one is not going to last for very long...Apparently I know myself.

Did I mention that I got my books back from Jennie? She didn´t understand how I survived without them. I hardly did. Can hardly survive with having them here too. I got them from her like two weeks ago and I have read all four of them again. Just finished with "Breaking Dawn yesterday afternoon. I feel like reading them all again. There must be some magic attached to them. Maybe just burn them? Or not.

To jump from that burning subject to something else. I hear Robert Pattinson stink...apparently smell really bad. Maybe that is old news by now. I have not read that much about it since Rob gave his short reply to this, "I do shower". Simple and short. A good defence. I think he does shower. We all know he stopped washing his hair a while ago. Admit to anything controversial and that is what you get. "Oh yeah, he doesn´t shower his hair so that probably means that he doesn´t shower at all". A big load of ´bs´ if you ask me. Perhaps Perez Hilton should get some more reliable sources..? I read this one small comment that Rob has a problem with a gland. Supposedly he had multiple surgeries done to fix it. I don´t know. You can´t believe anything you read.

Well...true fact: no one is perfect! If Kelly Clarkson can take a piss in the shower, then Robert Pattinson can smell. That is right; they are just humans. Who has not pissed in the shower, or gone a couple of days without showering? Even stars have a human nature.

(Nevertheless...smelly or not...ever thine!)


Ps. My birthday is coming up, April 23. Nothing great about that, but it also means that April 29 is soon here!: Dvd- release for "Twilight".

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